Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy sets out how Try Time uses and manages personal information provided to or collected by it.
Try Time may, from time to time, review and update this Privacy Policy to take account of new laws and technology.
What kind of personal information does Try Time collect and how does Try Time collect it?
The type of information Try Time collects and holds includes (but is not limited to) (a) personal information, such as names, addresses, contact information, DOBs, passports held, club and location preferences, rugby experience history and level, marital or partner status, injury history and multimedia footage (eg highlight reels) as disclosed to Try Time by you or other organisations; (b) your browsing history on the website; (c) records of your communications and other interactions with Try Time; and (d) information provided to Try Time as part of the performance of its Services including reference checking. What would happen if we did not collect your personal information?Without your personal information we may not be able to provide you with access to our website platform or all of our services.
Personal Information you provide
Try Time will generally collect personal information held about an individual or clubs by way of emails or correspondence, phone conversations or forms filled out by players, coaches and clubs and ‘cookies’ from Try Time’s website and apps. On occasions people other than players, coaches and clubs provide personal information.
Personal Information provided by other people
In some circumstances Try Time may be provided with personal information about an individual from a third party, for example a report provided by a club or coach or previous employer.
How will Try Time use the personal information you provide?
Try Time will use personal information it collects from you for the primary purpose of collection and publication on its website recruitment platform, and for such other secondary purposes (such as reference checking) that are related to the primary purpose of collection and publication and reasonably expected by you, or to which you have consented to, in purchasing a subscription or otherwise receiving access to the website or services provided by Try Time. Try Time may also use your personal information to:
- provide and improve our services and the functionality of our website;
- respond to your inquiries, requests, or questions;
- send you administrative or promotional communications, including newsletters and marketing materials;
- personalise your experience on our website;
- analyse and understand how users interact with our website and improve its performance and functionality; and
- prevent fraud, enforce our legal terms, and comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Try Time uses marketing for the future growth and development of Try Time as an important part of ensuring that Try Time continues to provide a quality product and service. Personal information held by Try Time may be disclosed to organisations in performance of Try Time’s services, for example, prospective players, clubs and coaches.
Testimonials and existence of successful recruitment of players, coaches, clubs other like information, which include personal information, may be used for marketing purposes.
Who might Try Time disclose personal information to?
Try Time may disclose personal information, including sensitive information, held about an individual to:
- other users of the website platform or receivers of Try Time’s services (including those who may be located overseas);
- relevant rugby or sporting authorities;
- people providing services to Try Time, including third party payment platforms;
- recipients of Try Time marketing materials, like testimonials;
- anyone you authorise Try Time to disclose information to; and
- anyone to whom we are required to disclose the information to by law;
Try Time may use the services of certain third party service providers which may have offices or other operations outside of Australia in the performance of its Services. As a result, your personal information may be disclosed to overseas recipients.
How does Try Time treat sensitive information?
In referring to ‘sensitive information’, Try Time means information relating to a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, trade union or other professional or trade association membership, philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation or practices or criminal record, that is also personal information;
Sensitive information will be used and disclosed only for the purpose for which it was provided or a directly related secondary purpose, unless you agree otherwise, or the use or disclosure of the sensitive information is allowed by law.
Management and security of personal information
Try Time has in place reasonable steps to protect the personal information Try Time holds from misuse, interference and loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure by use of various methods including password access rights to computerised records.
Access and correction of personal information
Under the Privacy Act, an individual has the right to obtain access to any personal information which Try Time holds about them and to advise Try Time of any perceived inaccuracy. Players will be able to access and update their personal information.
Try Time may require you to verify your identity and specify what information you require.
Consent and rights of access to the personal information of players
Players, coaches and clubs may seek access to personal information held by Try Time about them by contacting Try Time. However, there will be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include (without limitation) where release of the information would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others.
If you do not want your personal information to be disclosed
If you do not want your personal information to be disclosed, you should contact us in writing. We will accommodate your request provided that the disclosure is not required by law.